BitcoinStake is an alternative to bitcoin legacy that uses delegated proof of stake instead of proof of work as its consensus algorithm. The system is introduced by the hard forking of the bitcoin platform. One of the main advantages of BitcoinStake is that it is faster and more scalable solution. It can handle approximately 100,000 transactions per second. In its turn, blocks will confirm these transactions in around three seconds. Another huge plus is that BitcoinStake uses well tested technologies which provides higher security and reliability to any user.
This currency aimed to solve the problems that Bitcoin faces. We came across several difficulties as the hardfork should be faster, more decentralized, more energy-efficient and more scalable than Bitcoin, so we did our best to achieve such high standards.
In the end we developed hard fork cryptocurrency and upgraded wallet. BitcoinStake operates with around 100,000 transactions per second and in time is going to perform even better, providing improved currencies speed, transaction capacity and be ease-to-use.
Our engineers successfully got over all challenges of the development and were able to work effectively and develop high quality and fast hard fork currency that:
- provides fast and secure transactions processing
- can handle around 100,000 transactions per second and
- uses well-tested technologies.
2 Engineers
1 month of work