Ruby on Rails

Ruby Tutorials for Beginners

By Alex B. March 31st, 2016

Online tutoring is very convenient way to get some basic knowledge in a particular sphere. You don’t need to attend any lectures or seminars, pile up the table with numerous textbooks to find necessary information. It is quite the opposite:  you need a laptop, internet connection, comfortable place for your classes and a big motivation to learn something new.

So yes, online tutoring is very popular nowadays. The web, in its turn, has a great deal to offer. The variety of online Ruby on Rails tutorials is so big (the same holds true for Ruby courses we used to talk before) that it seems a good idea to make some must-have list for beginners. It is crucial how you start learning something new. It is no good if you get bored and puzzled in the very beginning. So let’s check some tutorials that may give you a good start. 

Try Ruby



If you are looking for some quick start and have 15 minutes for simple beginner-friendly introduction this tutorial is for you. The tutorial is superficial: it does not dig deep. However, Try Ruby is a quite useful resource. Once you complete it you will be eager to see what’s next and learn more about Ruby and Ruby on Rails framework. 


Ruby Warrior



It is fun to try “a triumphant quest of adventure, love and destiny” when you make your first steps to study Ruby.

Ruby Warrior is a combination of gaming and learning experience. By completing game levels, each student/gamer needs to write a Ruby code to fight enemies and get further.

It is an entertaining and useful app for Ruby beginners. 


Ruby Monk



It is another way to learn Ruby and enjoy the process. Ruby Monk offers a number of interactive lessons and walks you through some fundamentals. The tutorial includes material both for beginners and intermediate-lever students.

Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, is of high opinion about the tutorial and enjoys such kind of lessons. I think he is a good reference. 


Poignant Guide to Ruby



Poignant Guide to Ruby is a unique tutorial, kind of classic in the Ruby community. It causes radically opposite views. Some people praise the work and call it the best tutorial on programming, the tutorial that can convert you to become a Rubyist. Others think it is a waste of time: full of odd sense of humour, bad at explaining Ruby concepts and providing examples. This fact alone can make you curious.

The book is written and illustrated by Why The Lucky Stiff (_why). It is nothing like any other book on programming. Among funny comic strips and hilarious humour Poignant Guide provides an entertaining introduction to Ruby concepts.

Definitely the tutorial deserves a try. 


Learn Ruby the Hard Way



Learn Ruby the Hard Way, the book written by Zed Shaw, is meant to get you started in Ruby. There is a free online version of the book.

The tutorial claims “to teach you the three most essential skills that a beginning programmer needs to know: reading and writing, attention to detail, and spotting differences.”


Learn to Program



The tutorial is written by Chris Pine. It is a good choice for beginners. The guide includes 11 chapters and each is dedicated to particular Ruby concept.  There are also exercises to practice the theory.

The tutorial is available in several languages apart from English. 





It is a service for more mature students. Codewars is different from ordinary tutorials: there are no standard lectures with exercises. Students are confronted with programming tasks. Each task is called Kata (a reference to Japanese training technique in martial arts when warriors practise and repeat certain movements solo or in pairs).

Each Kata includes a short task description, a set of input data and the required result. The tasks are completed with a help of online built-in editor. There may be numerous solutions for each Kata and students are welcome to check and compare ready solutions. Tasks can be filtered by difficulty level. Experienced Codewars programmers advise to try to solve at least 8 kyu level kata each day to get some progress. 


Besides, I would like to say that there are numerous resources that provide ready solutions from other Ruby programmers. They are worthwhile checking. No need to reinvent the wheel.

·         Rails Best Practices

·         Ruby Forum

·         Stackoverflow

·         Ruby Guides

·         Railcasts


Take a good look at online Ruby tutorials. They do a really good job provided students show enough discipline and diligence. 

Alex B.

Alex B.

Project Manager at iKantam

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